Mac & iPhone time drift while using XCode fixed with Mac restart

We use Macs and iPhones for development.  We hit an interesting situation when one of the phones was used to develop Naksho and was capturing time sensitive upload requests to AWS.  Yes, S3 signed image upload requests with 60 second expiry vs. the default was the use case.

Well, the phone would get errors when it tried to upload the image.

The EC2 server was 3-4 minutes ahead of the Mac and the iPhone so that explains why AWS was rejecting the request.  Quick net search:

  1. – didn’t help
  2. – didn’t help
  3. – reboot – what????!!!

The … Read the complete article

Ionic consultants

Yes, that’s right, Ionic!

One would thing that there is an abundance of capable Ionic consultants.  But, good ones are hard to find.  That is indeed a reflection on the state of employment for software engineers and that’s awesome.

Of course, you can always offer your services but be prepared to go through an online coding interview with your favourite IDE and Ionic!

 … Read the complete article